Depending on inventory, our phones will arrive at your doorstep 3-14 days before your event date. You will be notified once your phone ships along with the phone color that was sent to you. If this timeline does not work with your event, please reach out to us and let us know the date that you would like to receive your phone by and we will do our best to accommodate!
We currently only ship within the USA πΊπΈ, Canada π¨π¦, and Puerto Rico π΅π·. But if you're having a destination wedding/event, we didn't forget about you! Follow this LINK to learn all about how we can accommodate your destination event.
To avoid your phone being misplaced or lost by another party, our recommendation is to always have your phone shipped directly to you at your home address, versus to your hotel, venue, or event planner/coordinator.
Inside the box you will find the following:
After The Tone rotary audio guestbook phone
We strongly recommend performing a test setup as soon as you receive your phone. This ensures you understand how it operates and don't have to figure it out during your event. Just make sure to power it off once you are done!
βUSB charging cable
Your phone arrives fully charged and can be used for up to 12 hours. However, if you require additional time we include a USB charging cable to charge the battery back up to full! To charge the phone please make sure it is powered off and plug in the USB cable to the port and into a wall outlet (not provided). We recommend charging the phone overnight before each day of use.
βPromotional materials
Pre-paid UPS return label